February 18, 2010
Ever felt nervous about that impending end-of-term report??
We’ve just moved to a new school and are now studying a completely new curriculum, so to speak, since we’re fresh to this whole hotelier life in Eastbourne. So to be formally assessed and graded against everything from cleanliness, service and bathroom decoration is enough to set anyone on edge.
And like preparing for that school report you can put yourself on best behaviour, plumping up pillows and paying even more attention to cooking those locally-sourced breakfast sausages, but, boy, is it painful.
So….a mighty sigh of relief when those gurus from Visit Britain decide we’re worth four-stars and a special silver rating! And a whopping 5-stars for hospitality and breakfast. Blimey.
As it turned out we had no idea it was the assessor until she produced her badge after checking out. Probably just as well. Too much doffing of cap aint pretty.